The Independence Chapter consists of five distinct committees to keep up with the organization’s needs. Learn more about each committee and their chairs below.

Business Partners

The Business Partners committee is comprised of two sub-committees: Business Partners Committee and The Delaware Valley Legal Expo Committee. The intention of the Business Partners Committee is to build and further develop professional relationships between business partners and Chapter members. Through the commitment of financial support from our business partners, we are able to provide educational, social and networking events throughout the year. All who participate in these quality meetings gain insight to the legal industry in the area and are kept aware and up-to-date of product trends for the future. It is definitely a Win/Win situation. The Independence Chapter cannot do it without our Business Partners! The Delaware Valley Legal Expo Committee works in conjunction with the Montgomery Bar Association. The Delaware Valley Legal Expo is a landmark event which provides the opportunity to network with business partners and peers and to witness the latest and greatest products and services available to the legal community. This perennial favorite has been referred to as "the one yearly event where the entire legal community can congregate, share ideas and gain knowledge and information necessary for running a large firm or a small/solo practice efficiently and effectively." Attorneys, managing partners, law office administrators and staff are encouraged to attend.

Committee Chairs

Community Relations

The Community Relations committee is comprised of sub-committees: Community Relations and Publicity. The Community Relations sub-committee is responsible for planning and implementing community service activities so that this Chapter can "give back" to the community. The Independence Chapter participates in several events and fundraisers throughout the year. The Publicity sub-committee is responsible for publicity done for all chapter events and functions including submission of all press releases to county law reporters and local newspapers. In addition, a member of the publicity committee will take photographs at chapter events.

Committee Chairs

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility

The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility (DEIA) Committee supports our Chapter in promoting respect, mindfulness, and sensitivity. These attributes are used to foster continued growth and education with regard to other cultures and backgrounds, as well as any visible or non-visible disabilities. Our members reflect a rich diversity of cultural, religious, ethnic, sexual orientation, and socio-economic backgrounds. We value individual contributions to our team and do not exclude any groups. We believe strongly in the power of equity and encourage all to be inclusive and welcoming of others.

Committee Chairs


This committee is responsible for providing educational programs to our members and guests. In an effort to continually maintain the latest information in human resources, marketing, technology and general office management. They are in constant motion working to present the numerous high–quality seminars on the calendar each year. Please keep in mind that the members of the Board are always willing to hear your requests and suggestions for topics of interest.

Committee Chairs


This committee is in charge of providing membership information to potential members, enrolling new members, and welcoming them into the organization. For membership information, contact Cristin Bucciaglia

Committee Chairs

Digital Media/Technology

This committee is responsible for the design, implementation and maintenance of the Chapter's website. Along with all communication and social media for the Chapter. We encourage your contribution of information, articles and photos. Please contact any of the committee members listed below with your submission.